The Scientific Research Journal

Every edit you save gets backed up and organized automatically

Better than Microsoft Word

This is the cloud-based system for saving searchable, text-entry records. Save, edit, filter, organize, and search through all team entries and even edits! By comparison, Microsoft Word, Scrivener and Google Docs both make you juggle files that are hard to search and organize. Document organization is so much easier with!

Your findings are valuable, and so are the reasons behind them. Yet often, the priceless effort you put into your work gets accidentally deleted. Not anymore! With SaveMyResearch, your progression gets saved from start to finish! This tool will organize your work in a simple, searchable, and user-friendly way - whether you're an individual or a collaborative team!

Alternative to Evernote

We're better than the alternatives. Don't like the fact that Google can read through all your Google docs? Microsoft Word is expensive, and the bigger your team the higher the costs become. Neither do those applications save your edits and deleted files. We offer a better service for the fraction of the cost. This web application changes the game by providing a cloud-based paper trail. With our start-to-finish recording system, your mind can rest at ease if you want to go back to the version of your work from last week, or even last year! Your memory can only handle so much, and you shouldn't have to remember everything. During the planning stages, it's an unknown what will be needed later on, and you won't want to lose your key thoughts along the way. This is just one key advantage we offer over MS Word. Another is team collaboration, where you can have multiple projects and people working together however you choose to organize them!

Excellent file organization for your text documents.

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Teams can save research in collaborative records together

Invite other members of your team to contribute by adding their research to a team project, where your findings at work are organized into one simple and searchable record. Journal your thoughts, discussions, and conclusions. Record the journey as you come to your decisions, and the next time you wonder why you reached the answers you did, you'll know without having to rack your brain. Be able to add text entries, search through them and edit all your data in one place, so you don't have to play the filing cabinet game anymore.

A searchable, blog-like journal to remember the history of your decisions

Tired of juggling systems with multiple files that are difficult to handle? If you've ever tried to save information using Evernote or Microsoft Word - they're not built for saving and organizing research, nor do they archive your work if you ever accidentally delete content or files! Save My Research is built to actually accomplish your goals as the leading research saving and organizing tool. With a generous free trial - why not give it a spin? We promise you'll love it!

Invite teammates, relatives, or partners to create and edit documents that all autobackup, so they can be easily recovered if someone makes a mistake!

A flexible app for a variety of organizations

Students, whether PhD, masters, undergraduate or even serious high-schoolers can document their studies and access it anywhere that the internet is accessible! Social workers writing up their case studies can have a project and team for each case. Research doctors and physicians can collaborate in one place. Law enforcement detectives and officers can compile their notes together. A team of lawyers can put together their case for trial and easily search their large amounts of notes. Business professionals can document their brainstorming, decisions and plans for reference. Programmers, web developers and software engineers can record the tips they've learned and don't want to forget. Even the casual, private blogger can put together a personal journal that they can easily search.

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